
Digital Citizenship Curriculum
MTSD middle schools deliver a digital citizenship curriculum to all students to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skill sets to navigate the digital world in which we live in a safe and effective manner. Here are some examples of the curriculum delivered at each grade level:
Parent Resources
Visit the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Page to learn more about the curriculum we used to develop Steffen's scope and sequence for Digital Citizenship.
Quick Links

6th Grade
Finding Balance in a Digital World
Don't Feed The Phish
Chatting Safely Online
Digital Drama Unplugged
Finding Credible News
7th Grade
My Media Use: A Personal Challenge
Big, Big Data
My Social Media Life
Upstanders and Allies: Taking Action Against CyberBullying
The Four Factors of Fair Use
8th Grade
Digital Media and Your Brain
Being Aware of What you Share
Social Media and Digital Footprints
Responding to Hate Speech Online
This Just In! Reacting to Breaking News