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  • Writer's pictureSophia Li

April Fools Day History

April fools day; not exactly an important holiday that everyone celebrates, but still something (pretty much) everyone knows about. But how did April Fools day come to be?

Its history is not exactly clear, however, some believe that April Fools Day goes all the way back to 1582, which is when France switched to the Gregorian calendar.

April Fools day used to be “celebrated” in late March as well as April first. The term “April Fools” came from “poisson d’avril,” meaning “April fish.” In this context, “fish” is a term for someone who’s very gullible, like an easily caught fish.

This tradition spread to the British as well as Scotland. In Scotland, April Fools was a two-day event in which people sent people to fake errands and pulled pranks like pinning a fake tail on the person’s pants.



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